Von Version 1.1
bearbeitet von admin
am 2024/03/15 17:17
am 2024/03/15 17:17
Install extension [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-distribution-flavor-common/16.1.0]
Auf Version 4.1
bearbeitet von loppermann
am 2024/03/16 15:18
am 2024/03/16 15:18
Es gibt keinen Kommentar für diese Version
Seiteneigenschaften (3 geändert, 0 hinzugefügt, 0 gelöscht)
Objekte (0 geändert, 2 hinzugefügt, 0 gelöscht)
- Seiteneigenschaften
- Titel
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - Home1 +WAMP wiki - Dokument-Autor
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. admin1 +XWiki.loppermann - Inhalt
... ... @@ -1,40 +1,4 @@ 1 -= =Welcomeoyour wiki==1 += Tickets = 2 2 3 -XWiki is the best tool to organize your knowledge. A //wiki// is organized in a hierarchy of //pages//. You can create multiple wikis, each with its own set of pages. 4 4 5 -XWiki can be used as a knowledge base (support, documentation, sales, etc.), for collaborative workspaces or even as a complete intranet. 6 - 7 -== The basics == 8 - 9 -To make the most out of your wiki, log-in and: 10 - 11 -Use the {{displayIcon name="pencil"/}} button above to //edit// this page and start customizing your wiki to your needs. 12 - 13 -Use the {{displayIcon name="add"/}} button above to //add// more pages to your wiki and create the //hierarchy// that best organizes your content. 14 - 15 -Use the {{displayIcon name="home"/}} breadcrumbs located above the title to //navigate// inside your pages. It's easy to get lost in a big wiki without them. 16 - 17 -You can also use the [[Sandbox>>Sandbox.WebHome]] for more demo content and generally a place to experiment with your wiki's features. 18 - 19 - {{box}}Learn more on how to use XWiki with the [[Getting Started Guide>>http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/UserGuide/GettingStarted/WebHome]].{{/box}} 20 - 21 -(% class="row" %) 22 -((( 23 -(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %) 24 -((( 25 -== Extend your wiki == 26 - 27 -To extend the power and functionalities of your wiki with the features that //you// need, head over to the [[Extension Manager>>XWiki.XWikiPreferences||queryString="editor=globaladmin§ion=XWiki.Extensions"]] where you can search for and install extensions. 28 - 29 -To browse through the 900+ community contributed extensions available for XWiki, head over to the [[Extensions Repository>>http://extensions.xwiki.org]]. 30 -))) 31 - 32 -(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %) 33 -((( 34 -== Create your application == 35 - 36 -Go beyond the available extensions and define the //structure// of your data based on //your// needs, creating //your// own applications with [[App Within Minutes>>AppWithinMinutes]] (AWM). 37 - 38 -AWM will take care of making it easy for you and your users to create and manage the data. 39 -))) 40 -))) 4 +Ihr könnt Ticketes unter [[https:~~/~~/tickets.westwood.camp/ >>https://tickets.westwood.camp/]]kaufen
- AppWithinMinutes.Content[0]
- AppWithinMinutes.Content[1]